Maine Sucks for Millennials and There’s a Study to Prove It
In a study conducted by Wallethub ranking all U.S. States and the District of Columbia the best and worst for those that are early twenty to early-thirty somethings, Maine ranked 28th best. It's not terrible but, it's not great, either.
The factors that went into Wallethub's study included ranking each state on the following criteria for millennials: affordability, education and health, quality of life, and economic health.
What's particularly insightful is that Maine came up on three individual lists relating to the study to break up a few of the factors involved. Here was how Maine stacked up with the other U.S. States on more specific issues.
Maine topped the list as the state with the least amount of millennials.
This comes as no surprise when you think about the amount of your friends that are still in the state compared to the amount that actually stuck around or, rather, got stuck here. It's most prevalent when your driving in a 35 m.p.h. going 25 m.p.h. or in the line at the grocery store while the people in front of you still pay with paper checks.
The southern part of the state is much more attractive to millennials, so when you do come across a millennial up in the northern area, there's sort of this reverent, unspoken understanding that includes a "I-feel-for-you" kind of nod and one slow, sympathetic eye blink.
Maine's most populated age range is 50 - 55, according to statisticatlas.com. That's 111,000 people, half of which are named Linda. The lowest age range for millennials is the age group of 30 - 34-year-olds at 72,700, most of whom are in southern Maine.
Maine ranks third for the lowest average earnings for millennials.
The job opportunities aren't stellar for a millennial needing a full-time career in Maine. All of the boomers are sticking around their jobs and tightening the purses to keep their jobs intact or losing their jobs to automation or their workplace went under. So, us less experienced millennials get fewer opportunities in professional careers to fulfill the boomer base but also get stuck in crappy jobs or working for crappy businesses. Millennials are known for moving job to job because they know there's a better place for them. Unfortunately, that usually means moving out-of-state.
Also take into consideration that the millennial age group in Maine has the highest rate of Bachelor's Degrees in the state, according to statisticatlas.com. That degree was attained to earn more money. Those opportunities for that degree aren't here and nor is the money to pay for that degree and build a life.
Maine ranks 5th in the country for the highest percentage of millennials with depression.
Taking into consideration the past two points, our friends have left and we have no money, it's easy to see depression as no surprise either. Add in cold, crappy weather for six months out of the year and the lack of quality job opportunities available it's to be expected that we aren't happy.
Good job, Maine. You suck at millennials. We'll go off and be entitled somewhere else, now. Call me when you're ready to use a computer for something other than emails.