What happens when you hand out Maine lobsters to random people in Times Square?

Not many people know Maine lobster like Jacob Knowles!

Maine has a lot of social media stars on TikTok. Chef Adam Libby, and Tatum Talks, but there is another influencer who is "making waves" on several platforms.

Jacob Knowles has become a sensation on social media, and a few months back, he invited "CBS Saturday Mornings" to join him for a day out on the water to learn the secret of his success.

Recently, he visited Times Square in New York City, to handout lobsters to random strangers! The video has a bunch of hilarious reactions from people being handed live Maine lobsters!

Folks also tried lobster rolls that were made fresh with Luke's Lobster roll kits and some even went home with their very own Maine lobster!

Sure, we all love to eat Maine lobster, but have you ever thought about how it gets from the ocean to your plate? That's the beauty of Jacob's videos. He breaks it all down in a very entertaining way.

Knowles is a Mainer who graduated from Sumner Memorial High School, in Sullivan. He is a 5th generation lobster fisherman.

He also spends a lot of time exploring the great state of Maine, in a 54 Cessna 180. Pretty cool guy!

Jacob's informative and fun video creations, about crustaceans have racked up some pretty impressive social media numbers:

His TikTok page

3.1 million followers

93.2 million likes

His YouTube Channel

2.2 million followers

His Instagram page


And you know you have made it, when you have merch available on your website. You can find that here

A few years back, he claimed that the Blue Lobster he snagged was "the coolest lobster he has ever caught" People seemed to agree, because the short video he posted, has racked over 500,000 views.

Check some of his amazing TikTok clips!

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Gallery Credit: Arlen Jameson

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