Maine Made Music Videos-The Flooded Cellar Band
These guys cover pretty much every aspect of living in the Pine Tree State
It's always fun to see music videos that are created, produced and performed by music artists from the State of Maine. Sure, you've heard of the big ones like the self proclaimed "King of Maine", the rapper known as Spose, but there are plenty of other musicians whose songs feature the things that make living here a unique experience.
The Flooded Cellar Band describes themselves as "Back Woods music from the small town of Lovell, Maine" and they have a bunch of humorous tunes that deal with some of the fun, and not so fun aspects of daily Maine life.
Let's check out some of their greatest hits, if you will.
"Contrast" is a song all about the things we miss while being locked down in quarantine. Sports is pretty much number one on the list. So many high schools and colleges had to throw in the towel on Spring activities.
Grab the toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and tissues as we continue to stay at home. "If You Really, Really Love Me(Won't You Please Stay Away" is an ode to social distancing.
"When The Snow Gets Deep" is a shout out to all the men and women who are out their plowing during a snow storm, and although we had a mild winter, there's always next year.
"I've Just About Had It With Winter" is for those brutal Maine winters we have all endured over the years
"Check Me For Ticks" speaks for itself, as we get ready for a hot, buggy summer!