Maine Apple Picking Season Is Still On!
Nothing beats fresh air and delicious apples
Lots of activities we usually engage in are simply not possible in the age of COVID-19, but one Maine traditon that we love every fall is still happening, and that is apple picking.
Apple picking is the perfect outdoor experience for the whole family, there is plenty of room at an apple orchard to socially distance from everyone, and plenty of trees to everyone to enjoy. The rules are a little different this year, masks are required of course, and people will be asked to not eat apples while they are outside picking.
Maine has several orchards in each county, so there are plenty of options for you to choose from. Evertything you need to know about the changes at orchards due to the pandemic, and maps to each location, can be found at https://www.maineapples.org/
Aroostook County
- McElwain's Strawberry Farm
Androscoggin County
- Berry Fruit Farm
- Boothby's Orchard
- Gathering Winds Farm
- Greenwood Orchards
- Hazel Hill Orchard
- Ricker Hill Orchards
- Stukas Orchard
- Vista of Maine Vineyard and Cidery
- Wallingford's Orchard
- Willow Pond Farm
- Maine Apples
Cumberland County
- Hansel's Orchard
- Randall Orchards
- Sweetsers Orchard
- Cortland Apple
- Thompson's Orchard
Franklin County
- Morrison Hill Orchard
- O'Connor's Orchard
Kennebec County
- Chick's Apple & Berry Farm
- Kents Hill Orchard
Knox County
- Hardy Farms
- Hope Orchards
- Green apples on trees
- School House Farm
Lincoln County
- Bailey's Orchard
- County Fair Farm
Oxford County
- Cooper Farms
- Peaked Hill
- Pietree Orchard
Penobscot County
- Harris Orchard
- Maine-ly Apples
- Mullis Orchards
- North Chester Orchard
- Robinson's Orchard
- Rollins Orchard
- Nodhead Apple
- Rowe Orchards
- Fortune Apple
- Sullivan Orchard
- Treworgy Orchards
Sagadahok County
- Pleasant Pond Orchard
- Rocky Ridge Orchard
Somerset County
- Cayford Orchard
- North Star Orchards
- Sandy River Apple Orchard
- The Apple Farm
Waldo County
- Elwell Farms
- Hillcrest Orchards
York County
- Apple Acres Farm
- Brackett's Orchard
- Dole's Orchard
- Giles Family Farm
- Kelly Orchards
- Libby and Son U-Picks
- McDougal Orchards
- Snell Family Farm
- Spiller Farm
- The Orchard at Chase Farms
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