Maine 2020 (The Unofficial Bicentennial Song) [VIDEO]
The way life should be?
You may not have known this, but 2020 is Maine’s 200th anniversary of statehood, and a ton of fun activities were planned to celebrate, however our good buddy, COVID-19 had other ideas.
Think of all the concerts, plays, fairs, festivals, sporting events, and just something as simple as a backyard BBQs that got cancelled this year due to the pandemic. It’s kind of depressing if you think about it. Now the folks at are hard at work making sure that when things go back to normal, we will have lots to look forward to … hopefully!
My friend and local musician, Steve Peer, has directed a funny, and very weird (and slightly NSFW) video called "Maine 2020" (Unauthorized and Unofficial Bicentennial Fight Song) from “The Larks.” The melody borrows from the classic Talking Heads song "Life During Wartime." Jeff Crossman, Olivia Partridge, Joseph A. Wadman, Taylor Wright all make appearances. And there are shout-outs to Bangor, Portland, Eastport, Lubec, Calais, and Vinalhaven! Obviously this is a parody song, and is in no way affiliated with the Maine 2020 website.
The video and song celebrate living Downeast during the pandemic bub, with beer, rock & roll, alien invasions, fires, Moxie, red hot dogs, locusts, riots and an incoming asteroid, because let’s face it, at this point in the year, anything could happen. Right?
For all you history buffs out there, on July 26, 1819, Maine voted for statehood. Then, on March 15, 1820, Maine became the 23rd state as part of the Maine-Missouri Compromise.
NEXT: Here Are 6 Things You Never Do In Maine
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