Is The Sterling Hotel In Dexter Haunted? Watch Parts 2 & 3
A new documentary from a local Bangor musician raises a very spooky question, is the Sterling Hotel in Dexter, haunted?
Halloween is just about two weeks away now, so in addition to all the fun events planned, where everyone of any age can dress up in a fun costume, or where kids can go trick-or-treating, there is just something about this time of year that makes people interested in all the scary things.
For instance, the new "Halloween" movie with Jamie Lee Curtis, racked up a scary $50 million dollars at the box office over the weekend. Also, it brings out the curiosity of the paranormal. For some reason, we love the idea of haunted houses and ghosts. One guy from the Bangor area is looking into a long-rumored myth about a rather sketchy-looking hotel in Dexter. The footage of the hallways in particular is a little creepy.
For a moment in time, the Sterling Hotel in Dexter was the home for live music for many, many years. I know many musician friends who played there at one point. It has remained dormant with the doors closed for good since 1999, but there are many stories from people about the prospect of it being haunted, that it was what led Luke Smith, to dig a little deeper and investigate.
Last week the first part of the documentary dropped on the YouTube channel "Mysteries of Maine", and now parts 2 & 3 are available for you to check out. So take a peek at the mystery of Dexter's Sterling Hotel, and come to your own conclusions.
Also, if you didn't see Part One, we have that for you too!