They say Halloween is all month long...

I tend to agree. It's kind of like Christmas, in that the spirit of the season can hardly be contained to just one day. Most people put their Christmas days up within a couple of days of Thanksgiving, if not a bit sooner. Granted, I'm one of those jerks that wants to leave it up year-round, but I get shot down by my wife every year, hahaha.

So much in the same vein, the town of Bucksport is getting into the spirit a week early with their super awesome good time fun event, Ghoulsport. It's going to be an all-day affair, beginning at 10:00 am, October 23rd. There's going to be all sorts of stuff going on all day long. Like a paranormal parade, a trunk or treat, and a Halloween dance that night.

It's totally free and family-friendly

That's the best part, isn't it? especially when you see things being canceled left and right because of covid. There's no Zombie Walk in Bangor this year. Same with the Witch Walk in Brewer. I'm not saying that an abundance of caution shouldn't be used at these times, but outdoor events still seem relatively safe.

The whole event starts at 10:00 am and goes all the way until 10:00 pm, and it sounds like there's a little something for everybody. Whether you're very young, or just young at heart, it sounds like a blast. It's being put on by the Bucksport Bay Business Coalition. It also sounds like an extra chance to dress up. Bonus!! Maybe I'll see you there....

Listeners Show Us Their Halloween Decorations!

25 Honest Slogans of Maine

Kind of crass, a little cringy but totally honest. Here are 25 slogans that hit home for those that live and work in the state of Maine.

10 Bangor Themed Costumes For Halloween

Need some inspiration for a Halloween costume, with some Bangor flair? Well, we thought of 10 costume ideas that are "totally Bangor." Some are known worldwide. Others only locals will understand. If you have any others, add them in the comments, and we might add them to our official list.

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