Here Are 8 Legal Grounds for Divorce In the State of Maine
While marriage is a sort of rite of passage in our society, the reality of marriage may not be everything that we expected or hoped for.
Time will tell a couple if they are ready for the experience of "happily ever after." But, one option to undertake that can be heartbreaking or a no-brainer is getting a divorce.
Filing For Divorce In the State of Maine
In the State of Maine, there may be many reasons why both partners or just one wants to call off a marriage. There are some legal requirements from the State of Maine that need to be met before initiating the divorce and when finalizing a divorce.
Requirements to File For Divorce In Maine
First and foremost is filing a complaint or grounds for divorce. This must be done at the District Court level and requires a few things in order for the complaint to be followed through with at a legal level, including:
- The issuing partner has lived in Maine for 6 months prior to filing the complaint/grounds
- The issuing partner is a resident of Maine
- The couple was married here in the State of Maine
- The cause of divorce happened here in the State of Maine
Maine's Ground for Divorce Options
When filing the complaint, the issuing partner or couple needs to have grounds for the divorce listed as part of the complaint, the reason for filing for divorce. There are many reasons why someone may decide to say 'I don't want to anymore' and Maine has some specific grounds to list when filing for a divorce.
Here are the 8 reasons that are legal grounds for divorce here in the State of Maine.