Empire Vape Shop In Bangor Will Permanently Close This Saturday
A Bangor area business will close for good this weekend
After 7 years, Empire Vape Shop, located at 691 Hogan Road, will shut their doors, on Saturday, May 27th.
Vaping has become a hot-button issue, not only here in the state of Maine, but all over the United States. Most believe that the fruity and sweet vaping juices appeal to people who are under the age of 18, as an alternative to smoking cigarettes, and in the last few years, there has been a concerted effort to ban these products.
Last August 8th, the Bangor City Council voted 6 to 1, to ban the sale of flavored tobacco and nicotine products. That meant Empire and other area stores' days were numbered.
The ordinance bans the sale, display, marketing, and advertising of those products. Bangor is the fifth city in Maine to impose the ban, along with Bar Harbor Portland, South Portland, and Brunswick.
As recently as last month, Maine legislators were considering a statewide ban on flavored tobacco products.
One Bangor business, Vapeology, moved to Betton Street in Brewer, to avoid the ban, since it is still legal in the city of Brewer.
From now until May 27th, Empire Vape Shop, will be open for you to stock up on supplies and say goodbyes, They will be offering all e-liquids at 50% off, while their supplies last.
Empire Vape Shop has two other locations, in Waterville, and Augusta. Starting June 1st, all Bangor customers can receive 20% off of orders by showing their Bangor area ID.
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