Emergencies with your pets are the worst...

Don't get me wrong, I don't have kids, so I certainly have no idea what that must be like. But I have been in some situations with my dog that pretty much brought me to my knees with worry. When you're pets are hurting or sick and there's nothing you can do, it's one of the most helpless feelings in the world.

But in these parts, we've always had the Eastern Maine Emergency Veterinary Clinic as our solid back-up plan. But like a lot of places, due to staffing issues caused by Covid, they've been running a skeleton crew and even had to scale back the number of nights they could be open. Pet owners understood, but also panicked a little on the inside.

Sorry for the doom and gloom, here's the good news...

According to a post on the EMEVC Facebook page, they've finally been able to have enough staff, that starting in July, they will once again be open seven nights a week to take care of our beloved pets. It's a huge sigh of relief for us local pet owners. Not that I wouldn't put my dog in the car and speed him to southern Maine if need be.

But there are people who come from a lot further away than I do to Brewer, and going to southern Maine would be a huge challenge for them. Some folks have to come almost that far, just to get here. Having the Emergency Vet open all the time again will bring great peace of mind to us all.

Follow their Facebook page for all updates...


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