If you missed the last few episodes, we will get you caught up!

"Surviving Maine" is a fan-made live reality game that occurs in the Maine woods. Contestants will outwit, outplay and outlast to become the sole survivor. Yes, this obviously has many comparisons to the famed CBS show, but also has a distinct Maine flavor to it.

Deep in the Maine woods, two teams of 10 blindfolded strangers, one red, one blue began their journey. "Surviving Maine" Episodes 2-"I'm Sick of Your Tricks, Tricky", and 3 "I Know You Guys Want Me Out" have debuted the last two Wednesday nights on YouTube. So far, Sam, Michael, and Nick have put their torch out after the tribe has spoken.

Each show is set up like a typical episode of Survivor, and includes two reward challenges, and immunity challenge, a tribal council and of course, a vote reveal.

There is also a new podcast after episodes, that will discuss each new show, talk to those voted out, and break down all the action for you!

Surviving Maine also has a GoFundMe page.

Here is a look at the reamining players in "Surviving Maine"

Team Red-
Katie- A real state agent
Becky-Research assistant
Emily-Program manager
Jasmine-Hazard analysis coordinator
Toby-High school teacher
Justin-Marine veteran
Forrest-Jack of all trades

Team Blue-
Jazzy-Crisis counselor
Jessica-Marine vet, anthropology student
Brandon-Former Disney World cast member
Cameron-Pharma compliance officer
Patrick-A man of many talents
Sara-Business owner
Tony-Kitchen assistant
Tony-Stay at home dad
Rebecca-Substitute teacher

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