Bring On the New Year With A Polar Plunge In Bass Harbor
You know what would be wild and exciting to start the new year? Start 2022 by taking a leap... into freezing cold water. It's crazy but, why not?
On the first day of the year, you can take part in an event that could set the tone of your whole new year- taking a plunge into the cold waters of Bass Harbor. Just think, this is probably something you've never done before and maybe this could be the start of more 'new things' for a 'new you'.
The event will be taking place Saturday, January 1st from 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM and is being put on by the Tremont Volunteer Fire Department on Back Beach. A New Year's polar plunge being put on by first responders is kind of the best scenario here, amiright?
The public is welcome to take part in the bizarre, yet refreshing, event. Or, if you just can't muster up the courage you can just come and watch the madness as a spectator. Being supportive can be a good thing, too.
Other emergency services in the area are welcome to come to join in, too.
Additionally, the event is also looking to have a big ol' bonfire and some comforting and tasty hot chocolate if the weather cooperates.
A couple of things to know beforehand. Be warned that there is limited beachside parking. Bring some footgear and enter at your own risk. And, there will be a life guard on alert in the harbor via kayak.
For more details about the event, check out the event page on Facebook '8th Annual Tremont Fire Department Polar Plunge' hosted by the Tremont Volunteer Fire Department.
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