Bangor Drive-In Delays Opening Until Late May
The Bangor Drive-In, which was originally scheduled to open May 4 with the debut of "Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2" has delayed its opening until later in the month.
Last week, the Drive-in announced it would instead open on Thursday, May 25 because of "projected weather and some unforeseen scheduling issues."
Admission will remain at $22 per car, truck or SUV for the double feature. The Drive-In will be open on Wednesday through Sunday nights with films beginning at sundown (closed on Monday and Tuesday).
The Drive-In will open with "Baywatch."
"We couldn’t be more excited about this summer’s offerings. This movie season is going to have all of your favorite stars plus aliens, robots, superheroes and pirates….there truly will be something for everyone and "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" and "Baywatch" are the perfect kick-off to an epic summer,” said Carol Epstein, co-owner of the Bangor Drive-In, said in a Thursday news release.