A Woman From Maine Pays It Forward On TikTok
Shout out to all the hard-working servers and wait staff all over the state!
I can't lie, TikTok is one of the more entertaining forms of social media. At first, I was not on board at all, but I have slowly warmed up to it. So many weird fads, trends, and challenges have come from the millions and millions of folks who use it on a daily basis.
It has made stars out of everyday ordinary people, just posting fun clips, but it isn't limited to just being silly, one woman from the Bath area is using her huge popularity on the site, to give back to some deserving folks.
Meredith Steele, who goes by babiesofsteele on TikTok, has an impressive 783,000 followers, so she took full advantage of this when she put out a Venmo challenge to give "life-changing" donations to servers and wait staff at various Maine restaurants throughout the state. It can be a difficult job at times, when you earn primarily on tips and receive a low hourly wage, so Meredith and her husband decided to try and make a difference.
So far, she has made stops at Geddy's in Bar Harbor, Pat's Pizza in Yarmouth, and the legendary Moody's Diner in Waldoboro.
When she made a substantial donation to one openly gay server, she then asked that he take some of the money and donate it to Equity Maine to help fund their summer camp for teens.
Two cheers for Meredith and her husband! Thanks for paying it forward here in Maine.
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