Shopping online is convenient, fast and you can sport those sweatpants you can't go out in public in. But, when it comes to back to school shopping is it a good idea?

Well it all depends what matters most to you, time or money.

According to a new study, (that we wasted good money on) customers will spend less money going the brick-and-mortar route but will spend far more time. Buying a list of 13 items like erasers, markers, paper and glue sticks takes about 10 minuets online compared to 30 minutes (plus travel time) in a store.

However, folks whilling to venture out to a store will save some BIG BUCKS! They paid $31 compaired to the $51 online shoppers spent. That good ol' $10 shipping and handleing charge was a big factor, but even the cost per item was higher online.

Why? It's all about convenience baby. People are willing to pay more if it saves them time...and lets them stay in their comfy sweatpants.

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