Who Is This Sarah?
Who is this woman that's talking with Kid nowadays on the Z Morning Show?
Now there are videos of her!
Who is she? Where did she come from?
Jamie Spencer, Z listener and Facebook commenter, ponders:
These are thoughts of many so I thought I'd give you a little info about where I came from, who am I, what I'm doing and stuff like that.
I am joining the Z Morning Show as the co-host and producer. I bring a feminine voice to the show with a mother's perspective. I like to bring humor to your morning with a down-to-earth commentary that Z listeners can relate to.
- I grew up in Winterport, Maine
- I attended Hampden Academy
- I also went to New England School of Communications in Bangor
- I use to work at 100.3 WKIT across town as a part time personality then the Promotions and Marketing Director. That's me as Danny.
- I was in the Bangor music scene with various outfits including Some Damned English City and Bangtown Timebomb. Check out this video of my old band Bangtown Timebomb on the Danny Cashman show. That's my hubby in the white shirt.
- My favorite band is Green Day
- My favorite song on the Z right now is Portugal the Man's Feel It Still
I'll be hosting a Facebook live this coming Monday at 11:45 A.M. if there are questions that you want answered. Perhaps your questions are:
- What's it like to work with Kid?
- Why did you get into radio?
- What's your favorite Bangor store?
I would love to answer your questions, take your suggestions or whatever. I'm open to wherever you guys take this. Let's have fun and I'll talk to you guys on Monday!