Our old friend Jeremy T. Grant, better known as the Timber Cross, got to take part in some cold water rescue training with the Camden Fire Department last year.

(You might remember Grant as the guy who ran the Millinocket Marathon with a chainsaw.)

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Grant said this is something he'd wanted, as a filmmaker, to capture on camera for quite some time.

Before taking the plunge, Jeremy T. Grant, Timber Cross
Before taking the plunge, Jeremy T. Grant, Timber Cross

"I've had the idea for a few years. I love the outdoors and I wanted to make something to help keep others safe out there this year with the wild ice conditions."

Young man in an orange sweatshirt alone skates on the ice of a frozen sea bay

"The weather in Maine is always changing and it doesn't mean you can't enjoy the outdoors just means you need to be prepared for it."

Dangerous Area: Thin Ice
Bryan Sikora

"And one of the first things to know before going on the ice is how you get out if you fall through."

feet of a man on a lake with cracked ice
"I met with my friends over at the Camden Fire department to walk me through what to expect and what to do to get out. It was freezing cold the temp was 10 degrees on its way to -2 with 14mph winds."
The Rescue, Jeremy T. Grant, Timber Cross
The Rescue, Jeremy T. Grant, Timber Cross
"The main point they kept hammering home is to cover your mouth once you feel yourself going in. Don't suck in the water!!!"
Young lady bathing in the ice hole
"Then know you are going to go into shock get yourself under control and adjusted to the cold before you attempt a self-rescue that way you can make smart choices. Once you are in the water, the added weight of your clothes and the cold water are going to drain your strength quickly. So it is important to make smart choices."
Man swimming in the ice hole with emotional face
"You have up to 30 minutes after falling in depending on air temp and wind of course but you have time."
After taking the plunge, Jeremy T. Grant, Timber Cross
After taking the plunge, Jeremy T. Grant, Timber Cross
"If you can't get out, get your arms up on the ice and wait for your sleeves to freeze that way if you pass out from the cold waiting for help you will not drown and still have a chance for rescue."
"I made this video with Camden fire because I know they do this every year as they help save others that go through and wanted to be part of helping their training this season; Chief Chris Farley, Asst. Chief Andrew Lowe, Asst. Chief Todd Anderson, Firefighter Clint Beveridge, Firefighter Jack Orestis, Hazel the Australian Shepard. If you fall through, men and women like them are out there to help but it takes time to get there so it's best to know what to do. It was great to hear the info from the pros and feel more prepared for sure. My hope is that this video gets out there and can help keep people safe out on the ice!"
Thanks for taking one for the team, Jeremy, so that we all might know a little more about how to help ourselves if we end up on this ice, or worse yet, in cold water, in the future.

Absolute Top 10 Necessities To Survive A Maine Winter

As the tundra begins to freeze over and as Mainers begin their seasonal refuge to the bunker, there are a few necessities needed in order to successfully make it to the other side, where the palm trees reside. 

So, take heed and pay attention to our advice, because these are the exact necessities that will ensure your survivability, mental good health, and that you’ll eventually see another summer season up to camp. 

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