We Want to See Your Cornville 10 Mile Yard Sale Pictures!
It's finally the weekend we've all been waiting! It's sort of the unofficial start of summer here in Maine, you know, the Cornville 10-Mile-Yardsale. Didn't know that? Well, I just said it so now it's a thing.
As many of you know, the Z Morning Show has a special affinity to Cornville, Maine. It all started when Kid and Sarah would read off the school cancellations for storm days earlier this year. After repeatedly mentioning that a Cornville school would be closing we wondered where exactly Cornville was because we had never heard of it.
After extensive research and beckoning to area listeners we got more information about this small Maine town that is likely out of the Z's listening area.
Here's a little more history where Sarah travels to the elusive Mid-Maine town of Cornville:
Many Z listeners reached out to us to let us know about the yearly Cornville yard sale that is happening this weekend, sending us links to the Facebook event.
We want to see the items being seen in the elusive, quiet Cornville. If you plan on heading to the 10 Mile Yard Sale this weekend, send us photos of the weirdest, wildest things you found at the event.
We'll be compiling a gallery of the craziest stuff you guys find and will reward the wackiest picture of a yard sale item with a pair of tickets to the Monster Truck show coming to Speedway 95 on June 1st and 2nd.
We'll award those tickets Tuesday, during the Z Morning show.
Send your pictures through the Z107.3 App, through our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Use #TheZLovesCornville so we can be sure we know why you're sending the picture.
Let's have fun and enjoy a beautiful weekend in lovely Cornville, Z listeners!