Wanna Waste A Minute? Whatch This Aristocasts/Lizzo Mash Up!
You know what makes a gloomy, rainy day like this one better? How about something to take your mind off of what's got you down; something like a mash-up of an old-school cartoon and a new-school rap-anthem?! That's exactly what some fan of both put together for us, and the internet is going wild for it!
Remember the movie, The Aristocats? It was a Disney cartoon that came out in 1970, about a family of cats. Well, it turns out, if you lay Lizzo's "Truth Hurts" over that video, you get a moment of cinematic genius.
And according to a recent article put out by Metro, not only has Lizzo seen it, and approves, but some other famous folks think its purrrfect! The piece says Major Lizzbian Brendan Carey was the fan who first came up with it and shared it last week. Then folks like Ariana Grande started to comment on it.
"Ariana commented a simple six exclamation marks on the post, so we guess she’s just as thrilled about the video as we all are."
And so I present to you, the fan-made mash up of "Truth Hurts"--the Aristocats version!