‘Transformers’ Reveals First Look at ‘Rise of the Beasts’ Vehicles
The Autobots are once again ready to transform and roll out.
Production is well underway on the next Transformers movie, dubbed Transformers: Rise of the Beasts and obviously inspired by the ’90s television series Beast Wars: Transformers. We haven’t seen any of the Maximals yet, but the official Transformers Instagram account and director Steven Caple Jr. (Creed II) have unveiled the first photos of the more traditional Autobots and Terrorcons casts.
Take a look:
From left to right in the first photo, that’s Mirage, Arcee, Optimus Prime, Wheeljack, and of course, good old Bumblebee. In the second photo, are the Terrorcons: Nightbird, Scourge, and an as yet unnamed third truck that looks like it came straight out of Mad Max: Fury Road. (And yes, this time its “Terrorcons” not “Decepticons.” They sound nice!)
Rise of the Beasts is a sequel to 2018’s Bumblebee and features an all-new human cast, including In the Heights star Anthony Ramos, Dominique Fishback, Luna Laauren Velez, and Tobe Nwigwe. Peter Cullen once again reprises his role as the voice of Optimus Prime, but Optimus Primal, the gorilla-esque leader of the Maximals, will be played by Ron Perlman. (Cullen didn’t voice Primal on the old Beast Wars cartoon either; he was portrayed there by veteran voice actor Garry Chalk.) The film is set 1994, about seven years after the events of Bumblebee, when a group of characters in Brooklyn discover the Maximals, along with all these other Transformers.
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is scheduled to open in theaters on June 24, 2022.
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