‘Thor: Love and Thunder’: All the Coolest Easter Eggs
The image above to the left is an illustration from Thor: God of Thunder, written by Jason Aaron and drawn by artist Esad Ribic, with Thor mourning the death of Falligar the Behemoth. On the right, is a still frame from the new movie Thor: Love and Thunder directed by Taika Waititi. As you can see, the two images are almost identical. Aaron served as a creative consultant on Love and Thunder, and the movie draws heavily on his Thor comics, including a series of stories where Jane Foster acquires Thor’s hammer and becomes the Mighty Thor herself. (Sound familiar?)
Those are just a couple of the many examples of hidden Easter eggs, Marvel references, and Marvel Cinematic Universe callbacks in the fourth Thor film. Below we’ve assembled 15 of the best examples that you might have missed. Did you catch those big statues in the background of the climax? Did you recognize the reference to What If...? Do you know what issue Zeus’ look and weapon come from? Did you spot all the cameos from returning Thor actors who’ve been missing from the franchise since Thor: The Dark World? Did you catch the extremely random shoutout to an ’80s Tom Cruise movie? We did.
Here they all are, starting with....
All the Coolest Thor: Love and Thunder Easter Eggs

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