This Weeks ‘Impossible Question’ Answers
Miss any IQ answers this week?
Every weekday at 8:10 on the Z Morning Show, we give you a chance to win a Sea Dog Brewing Company, with the "Impossible Question". Since I am constantly being asked "What was the answer to Tuesday's question?" I thought we would post them at the end of the week so you can get caught up.
An other week is in the books, so let's take a look back. Some of these weren't so impossible, so I will try harder next week!
Monday, March 26th
Q-42% of people said they were happier when they stopped doing this? What is it?
A-Going on Facebook
Tuesday, March 27th
Q-According to a new survey, about 9% of us never take this along when we leave the house?
Wednesday, March 28th
Q-2 out of 3 hiring managers say this will eliminate you from consideration for a job opening. What is it?
A-Texting or answering a call during the interview
Thursday, March 29th
Q- 87% of us lose sleep because of this?
A-Our jobs
Friday, March 30th
Q-According to a new survey, 41% of Americans say they are uncomfortable doing this at a restaurant and the younger you are, the more uncomfortable you are doing it. What is it?
A-Sending food back