Sixteen percent of people believe in Bigfoot.

However, the following sightings have to be believed by nearly 100 percent of us.

Scott Miller
Scott Miller

Not sure if you can see, behind the fence to the right of Bigfoot, the family dog.  Hope you can see him, his barking kept me from getting any closer to snap the photo. I stayed on the edge of the road, thank you.

First was Walking the Shore of Lake Moxie in Forks Plantation.  A listener sent in the pics.

B & TS
B & TS

Then was Bigfoot and Bear in Leeds.

W Chadbourne
W Chadbourne

Next was Saturday morning on 175 in Penobscot.  And 4?  Not sure this counts but as a window decal on the rear window of a car I saw.

Scott Miller
Scott Miller

Now it is time for some investigation.  Am I late to the Bigfoot in Maine everywhere party?  And where does one purchase a life-size made of wood painted piece of art like these? Or must they all be homemade?

Not to sound like a news reporter, but if you see a Bigfoot sighting, get out your phone and get photos.

And hats off to all the ‘hosts’ of Bigfoot.  Your creativity is much appreciated, especially with all that is going on in the world. Who doesn't appreciate a little creativity?

Those Bigfoots stepping out of the beautiful Maine woods are as good as anything hanging in any art museum.

And those Bigfoots that venture closer to the road, well, thank you for the joy you bring to all of us.

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