Taylor Swift nods to a look and style popularized by Britney Spears in the early '00s on her November 2013 Glamour U.K. cover.

She looks decidedly Euro with a black newsboy cap -- that's the former Brit Brit signature-- darkly-rimmed eyes and a black and white striped sweater! She also talks about how she's never fit perfectly with anyone yet. Not Harry. Not John. Not Jake. Not Taylor. Not Joe.

Of course T. Swizzle talked about her romance deal-breakers in the feature, saying, "If you have enough natural chemistry with someone, you overlook every single thing that you said would break the deal." She has a point there. Sometimes love conquers all, even the flaws.

Swift admitted that she won't avoid someone if they are famous, either. She also knows that tabloid headlines will ensue once she re-enters the dating ring.

"You can say, 'I'm never gonna date a high-profile person in the arts!' But whoever I date, famous or not - whether I ever date again - all chaos will break loose," she said, revealing a keen understanding of the media's morbid fascination with her love life.

She pointed out the specifics that usually come with the publicity circus that surrounds her romances, saying, "With fabrication and frantic obsession and who likes who more and who it ended. But right now is easy because I'm single and happy, and it's very relaxing."

The Swizzinator also has an interesting perspective on infidelity, admitting, "I've seen my friends take someone back after they've cheated because they fit perfectly. But I don't know, because I've never had a perfect fit with someone." We wonder if she's talking about Selena taking back Justin? Hmmm.

And lastly, want to know what Swift thinks about Miley Cyrus and her antics, in a roundabout way?

"There's room for role models who make mistakes," America's sweetheart said. "There's clearly room for role models who are made fun of at award shows...Whether in a board meeting or in school or on Facebook, where they'll get humiliated publicly. And if I can say, 'Yeah, I've taken a few hits over the years and I'm still going, I'm still happy!' Maybe that's an example. It's not just about standing on top of a mountain with the wind blowing in your hair, looking fabulous."

Oh Taylor, you always look fab, whether your atop the mountain that is your Red Tour stage, accepting an award or lying on that cold hard ground. Also, Lorde thinks you're pretty flawless. But judging from Swift's statements, she thinks about herself the way Lorde does regarding celeb worship. Full circle!

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