Bangor Halloween Events

Go ‘Into The Dark’ This Saturday At Maineiac Manor
Go ‘Into The Dark’ This Saturday At Maineiac Manor
Go ‘Into The Dark’ This Saturday At Maineiac Manor
If you are afraid of the dark, face your fears this weekend! Since Halloween lands on a Thursday this year, there are still events happening to keep the Halloween party going, including on Saturday! This Saturday, from 3:30pm=7pm, head to Maineiac Manor, located at the Bangor Mall, for "Into The Dark" It is a one-of-a-kind experience, where you’ll face the Manor like never before—in al
Don’t Bother Trick-Or-Treating At Stephen King’s House
Don’t Bother Trick-Or-Treating At Stephen King’s House
Don’t Bother Trick-Or-Treating At Stephen King’s House
Halloween is almost here! Come to Bangor, but don't stop on West Broadway! Stephen King's house, you just can’t drive down West Broadway in Bangor, without seeing someone gawking at this house (trust me, I know. I live right in the neighborhood.) ...
4 Halloween Bashes At Bangor Bars For The 21+ Crowd
4 Halloween Bashes At Bangor Bars For The 21+ Crowd
4 Halloween Bashes At Bangor Bars For The 21+ Crowd
Looking for some adult fun in the Bangor area for Halloween? Grownups like to have fun on Halloween too, so this weekend and the next, should be hopping in Bangtown. Halloween falls on a Thursday this year, so parties at your favorite Bangor nightlife establishments will be taking place this weekend, and next...
Downtown Bangor’s Halloween Trick-Or-Treat Is Saturday
Downtown Bangor’s Halloween Trick-Or-Treat Is Saturday
Downtown Bangor’s Halloween Trick-Or-Treat Is Saturday
Come one, come all! You don’t want to miss tricks and treats this Saturday afternoon! Are you looking to get a little Halloween pre-game on? All throughout the week, there are so many events happening right here in the area to enjoy some spooky fun, before the big day next Thursday. T...
Take A ‘Darker’ Tour of Bangor’s Mount Hope Cemetery, If You Dare
Take A ‘Darker’ Tour of Bangor’s Mount Hope Cemetery, If You Dare
Take A ‘Darker’ Tour of Bangor’s Mount Hope Cemetery, If You Dare
This weekend will get you in the Halloween spirit!! A crisp fall night and visit at one of Bangor's most beautiful spots sounds like a fun time. Plus, you get a history lesson while you are at it! Explore the dark side of Bangor, when you take a walk amid the shadows during the Bangor Historical Society's Darker Mount Hope Cemetery Tour, Friday and Saturday, October 25th & 26th, at 6pm. Th...
Is Maple Street The Best Place To Trick-Or-Treat In Bangor?
Is Maple Street The Best Place To Trick-Or-Treat In Bangor?
Is Maple Street The Best Place To Trick-Or-Treat In Bangor?
Trick or treat, smell our feet, give us something good to eat, let's all head to Maple Street! With Halloween just a little over a week away, the leaves, pumpkins, crisp days and cool nights, are all in full effect! The Bangor area has no shortage of great spots to bring the kiddos to collect candy...
11 Bangor Area Trunk-Or-Treat Events You Don’t Want To Miss
11 Bangor Area Trunk-Or-Treat Events You Don’t Want To Miss
11 Bangor Area Trunk-Or-Treat Events You Don’t Want To Miss
Maine Trunk-or-Treaters, there are lots of events coming up in the next weeks, that you need to check out! There is a new trend in the last few years that is changing the way that people go trick or treating. It's called Trunk-or-Treating, and the premise is simple: A bunch of parents get together at a business, in a school or church parking lot, and deck out their car trunks with Halloween decora
Maine’s Favorite Halloween Candy Choice For 2024 Is Truly Scary
Maine’s Favorite Halloween Candy Choice For 2024 Is Truly Scary
Maine’s Favorite Halloween Candy Choice For 2024 Is Truly Scary
This "love it, or leave it" classic candy, is tops in the 207. The answer may surprise you! As we get closer and closer to Halloween, many of us have candy on our brains. Our-co-worker Chris Popper is famous in these parts, for handing out giant-sized candy bars, so as you can imagine, he is a pretty big hit in his Bangor neighborhood, but when it comes to Maine's favorite candy of choic
Cole Land Transportation Museum To Host A ‘Trick-or Treat’ Party
Cole Land Transportation Museum To Host A ‘Trick-or Treat’ Party
Cole Land Transportation Museum To Host A ‘Trick-or Treat’ Party
Trick-or-Treat! With Halloween just over a month away, now is the time when events for the kiddos start to get announced, and there will be no shortage of things to do here in the Bangor area. Get ready for a spooky and exciting evening at the Cole Land Transportation Museum's 2nd Annual Halloween Party...
UCP’s 22nd Annual ‘Pumpkins In The Park’ Is Next Month
UCP’s 22nd Annual ‘Pumpkins In The Park’ Is Next Month
UCP’s 22nd Annual ‘Pumpkins In The Park’ Is Next Month
The annual Halloween tradition returns in Bangor for the 22nd year! Fall starts this weekend, and that means crisp days and nights, the leaves changing colors, and of course the planning of fun Halloween themed events all over Eastern Maine...

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