A Maine woman won the Rise Above Fest raffle, but for her it's more than winning a beautiful poker table.

Sherri Kaufman of South Portland sadly lost her brother to suicide last April. So when she heard about a fundraiser for Suicide Awareness Voices of Education, (SAVE) she wanted to chip in. The raffle winner would win a $60,000 Luxury Games poker table. She walked into the Portland Bull Moose Music store and dropped $180 in tickets.

Kaufman met with a few members of SAVE while at Bull Moose, as well as Seether frontman Shaun Morgan. Morgan lost his brother to suicide in 2007. The loss of his brother prompted him to start the Rise Above Festival.

In between Seether and Avenged Sevenfold’s sets they drew Kaufman's name as the poker table winner! The pimped out table features a sound system, remote controlled lights and a Seether signed guitar.

More than $50,000 was raised for SAVE.

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