Referendum Questions You Will Be Voting On Nov 5th
This year's voting won't be as hyped as next year's, but there are still issues that Maine voters will be deciding on next Tuesday.
Here's a look at the two referendums on the ballot so you can decide what to do before you enter the voting booth.
Question 1: Bond Issue
Do you favor a $105,000,000 bond issue to build or improve roads, bridges, railroads, airports, transit and ports and make other transportation investments, to be used to match an estimated $137,000,000 in federal and other funds?
These funds would go towards:
- Highways, secondary roads and bridges for construction, reconstruction or rehabilitation including state highways, replace and rehabilitate bridges, and repair secondary roads.
- Multi-modal projects for facilities and equipment, including property acquisition, related to freight and passenger railroads, transit (public transportation), ports, marine transportation, aviation, and bicycle and pedestrian improvements
- Upgrades/replacements of municipal culverts
- Renovation of a wharf and bulkhead at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute in Portland
Question 2: Constitutional Amendment
Do you favor amending the Constitution of Maine to allow persons with disabilities to sign petitions in an alternative manner as authorized by the Legislature?
This proposal would amend Maine’s Constitution to allow voters who have physical disabilities that prevent them from signing their own names to use an alternative method of signing a citizens’ initiative or people’s veto petition. Currently, voters who are physically unable to write an original signature are not proper signatures for some these documents.
Approving this amendment will allow "a voter who is unable to sign his or her own name to sign a voter registration application, a change of party enrollment form, candidate nomination petitions, and Maine Clean Election Act forms by using a signature stamp or by authorizing another Maine-registered voter to sign on the voter’s behalf ‒ in the voter’s presence and at the direction of the voter", according to the Maine Citizen's Guide to the Referendum Election document written by Secretary of State Matt Dunlop.
A “Yes” vote approves adoption of the constitutional amendment. A “No” vote opposes adoption of the constitutional amendment.
Additionally, accommodating for this is not expected to cause additional costs for State or local government.
See the Maine Citizen's Guide to the Referendum Election document for more information, prepared by the Secretary of the State of Maine.