Opening Day For Bangor Little League Teams This Weekend
Kids across the state are gearing up for the Baseball/Softball season, after missing it last year, due to Covid-19.
Here in Bangor, sitting in the stands at Mansfield two weekends ago, the excitement of the players was quite evident. Everyone eagerly hustled across the field to catch balls and to the batting cages to work on their swings. To hear the crack of a bat as it made contact with a ball was a welcomed sound after last year's "season of silence." The smiles on the faces of the kids, and the looks of pride coming from their parents was fantastic.

And while this season, returning to the field and stands masked, and taking care to keep socially distant, will certainly be different than is has been in the past, it feels good to be in familiar surroundings and to watch kids get a chance to be kids again.
Traditionally, Bangor's Little League Opening Day has consisted of an huge parade of players across the field, and big block party. This year, however, according to the Bangor West Little League Facebook page, the season will start a little more subdued...but at least it will start! And that's huge!
"Although COVID restrictions mean we cannot have our traditional Opening Day Parade and Block Party**, we are excited to offer music, announcing and lots of GAMES for the 2021 Opening Day Saturday, May 8!"
The post goes on to say that they will return to the block party/parade plans in 2022, when they'll celebrate their 70th Anniversary!
Saturday's festivities will take place on the fields between 14th and the Fairmount School. They'll kick off at 9AM, with baseball and softball games taking place all day long.
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