Moose Spotted Wandering Around Bangor Mall Area
It was quite a sight near Bangor Mall Thursday morning. A moose was spotted wandering around the area.
What was this moose up to? Complaining about his lack of cell service in the big woods? Using the ATM? Perhaps applying for a gig at Bull Moose? Photos snapped by Ann Mccluskey are making the rounds on Facebook of a moose strolling around the entrance of Bangor Mall Boulevard in Bangor. According to her post, the moose was spotted Thursday morning.
While Bangor is a one of the bigger cities in Maine, it's not uncommon to see moose occasionally. Other wildlife often spotted within the city limits include deer, foxes, coyotes, and sometimes even a bear if you find yourself in the Bangor City Forest. Wildlife officials encourage watching wild animals at a distance.
Young wildlife is very active in Maine, late spring into the summer months. It's common to come across deer fawns, moose calves, fox, raccoons and other young wildlife in fields, woodland areas, and backyards. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife annually campaigns the adage "if you care, leave them there." Though baby animals may seem abandoned, most times mom is not far away.
When it comes to moose in the roadway, a sharp uptick in vehicle crashes involving moose tends to peak in June. The Maine Department of Transportation encourages motorists to pay extra attention when driving between dusk and dawn. They add that moose often travel in groups. If you see one in the road, more may be following.
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