Maine Among Top 10 Safest States in America
In a time where it sometimes doesn't seem safe to leave your home, Mainers can sleep well knowing we live in one of the safest states!
For National Safety Month website Wallethub anylized the data to determine the safest and least safe states in the country. Looking at things like:
- Murders per Capita
- Assults per Capita
- Loss from Climate Disasters
- Fatal Occupational Injuries
- Vehicle Fatalities
- Sex Offenders per Capita
- Share of Population Lacking Health Insurance
Maine came out pretty close to the top! With the lowest numbers for Assaults, low numbers for murders, and loss from climate disasters, Maine came in as the second safest state in the country!
We probably could have been number one if our numbers for vehicle fatalities wasn't so high. Numbers for healthcare were also lower than 16 other states.
The top ten safest states in America are:
- Vermont
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- New Hampshire
- Washington
- Connecticut
- Rhode Island
- Utah
- Hawaii
The Least safe states are:
50. Mississippi
49. Lousiana
48. Oklahoma