The GLAAD Awards went off without a hitch this weekend, with a myriad of celebrities advocating for equality and President Bill Clinton receiving an Advocate For Change honor (and using the powers of his magical fedora backstage).

But Bret Easton Ellis wasn't invited, and he's not happy about it.

If you don't recall, Bret gave us the novel 'American Psycho' in 1991 and has been doing other, less prominent work since. Most recently, he helmed Lindsay Lohan's last film 'The Canyons' -- remember that?

In between projects he fires off his large mouth on Twitter, where he occasionally says things like this:


He also said Matt Bomer wasn't right for the role of Christian Grey in a '50 Shades of Grey' film because Matt is an openly gay actor.

So no one except maybe Bret -- who, by the way, is gay himsef -- was surprised when he was asked not to come to the awards. But he immediately unleashed his misery upon Twitter for everyone to see anyway:


And the GLAAD folks allegedly told the person who'd invited Bret that he shouldn't speak publicly about his being bounced. So of course that's the first thing he did.


Meanwhile, the day of the awards, GLAAD's vice president of communications Rich Ferraro told The Hollywood Reporter:

"GLAAD spoke with the guest who was planning to bring Bret about some of Bret's recent remarks, which the gay community responded negatively to. We also asked for a time to sit down with Bret. They decided to replace Bret with a different guest and there has been no response to the offer of a meeting. We hope his tweets don't overshadow the high-profile allies and everyday LGBT people who will be onstage tonight advocating for equality in the Boy Scouts, marriage and across the country."

And the awards went swimmingly, and everyone forgot about Bret. He must have realized this, because he fired off this missive earlier today (April 22):



Maybe next year GLAAD can offer a Smug Douchenozzle award to ensure Bret gets an invite.

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