Graduating from John Bapst just a few years ago, local musician Orono Noguchi hit the ground running. Frontwoman for the international band, Superorganism, she was immediately immersed in the Rock 'N Roll lifestyle, going on tour, doing appearances on late-night shows like Conan O'Brien, and quickly learning the ropes about what goes on behind the scenes to get the music to the masses! With the release of songs like 'Something For Your M.I.N.D', 'Everybody Wants To Be Famous' and even a cover of Pavement's 'Cut Your Hair', Superorganism has been generating quite a buzz.

Now Noguchi's bringing it all back to Maine, with a performance tonight at the Portland Music Hall! According to an article from the Portland Press Herald, Noguchi says the tight tour schedule will likely mean there won't be much time to venture north of Portland to visit her Bapst pals, as the band plays a venue in Boston this weekend. " Noguchi enjoys seeing as much of America as she can after growing up as a fan of American music and pop culture. She’s excited to play Nashville, Tennessee, for instance, because she appreciates old country music."

Tonight's Superorganism show starts at 8PM. Tickets are $20.


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