Bangor Schools Call Snow Day Ahead of Big Storm
Students in the Bangor School System are rejoicing tonight, as Bangor School Department Interim Superintendent, Kathy Harris-Smedberg, sent word early this evening that there will be no school tomorrow...not remote or distance learning and no hybrid. Bangor kids will be getting a good old fashioned Snow Day!
"...Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 2 will be a snow day. As the weather sounds like it will be quite messy with a high likelihood of power losses, I decided to make the call this evening. There will be no remote learning for any students tomorrow and schools will be closed for the day. Please stay safe and enjoy the winter weather."
You can view the updated list of school closings here.
Calls and emails went out to parents just after 5PM. This will be the first Snow Day of the winter, and one that almost didn't happen due to a policy change. As we first reported in an article back in October of 2020, the Bangor School department had decided, with remote learning technology and practices in place, to do away with snow days. The thought behind that was that kids would still be able to do their work, without the danger of travel, because they had already been remote learning due to Covid-19, and would be able to get out a little earlier in the summer.
But after some parents got together and circulated a petition to keep at least some of the snow days on the calendar, sighting the need for kids and teachers to have an occasional break, Harris-Smedberg announced in December that the school board had decided to keep 2 Snow days on the books for this winter.
After Tuesday's snow day, there will be one more snow day on the calendar for Bangor School kids, so make this count!
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