There will be a balloon release in memory of Nichole Cable this Friday at 6:30 p.m. at BJ's Market In Glenburn.

Please bring balloons and park on the road, near the Lancaster Brook Road side.

Here is an important and timely message from the Ellsworth Police Department's Facebook page.

"In light of recent events and a message from one of our citizens, I am asking you all to sit down with your children and go through their friends list on Facebook. If they do not know the person or you don't know the person, then delete them.

Also check their profile to make sure it is private. It is not automatically private if they put their age as an adult and we know, sometimes kids do that!! The other thing to look for is a second profile THEY might have, it will be a nickname or something close to their real name. It might be a good time and go through your list as well. Thanks and stay safe out there!!"

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