6 Ways To Use Your Workday Payday Cash Code Winnings For Good
This week is the final week to get in on our Workday Payday Cash Code that could get you a chance at winning $1000 with every cash code we give.
If you need some ideas on how to spend a portion of that booty for good, here are some ideas we've compiled to help you decide a philanthropic way to spend your new winnings!
Use Your Workday Payday Cash Code Money for Good
A few more days remain to win some money. Be sure to tune in at 7:20 AM, 1:20 PM and 4:20 PM for those cash codes to be announced on-air. Use your app to enter those cash codes in and, remember, each time you enter is an entry for our contest ending $10,000 giveaway. Find more information on our 'Workday Payday contest, visit our contest page.
Good luck to you and share some love by using your winnings for good- but, don't forget to keep a little for yourself ;)
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