We all have that one friend that can't seem to just put down their phone for just one minute. Now we have a solution.

It drives me nuts when I can't have a conversation someone without pausing because of their damn phone. Call me old school but I turn mine of when on dates. The Offline Glass is the solution to the friend of significant other that can't seem to unplug while out at the bar.

Offline Glass

It's a simple design; a glass with a iPhone-sized notch cut out of the bottom that will only stand upright with a cell phone under it. They've been testing these bad boys out in bars in Soa Paulo, Brazil. They work so well, people have been stealing them!

It's a pretty cool idea! However, even with my dislike for cell phone related interruptions, I'm not sure I'd put a glass filled with liquid on top of my gadgetry.

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