Z107.3’s This Week in Pop Music History: Ed Sheeran, Missy Elliott, and More [VIDEOS]
Being the Bangor station that provides you with mostly today's hottest music but also provides you with a healthy dose of yester-year's tunes with Back In the Cafe, we are providing you with a little music history of the 1990's, 2000's and this decade.Get to know a little about the artists that have shaped your musical vocabulary by taking in what has led to the music landscape of today. Behold... Z107.3's This Week In Pop Music History!
December 22nd - December 28th: See how Destiny's Child, Missy Elliott, Alicia Keys, Eminem, and Ed Sheeran marked this week in history for pop music from the past 30 years.
2000 - Destiny's Child
#1 on the Billboard Hot 100 with Independent Women Part I
2002 - Missy 'Misdemeanor" Elliott
#2 on the Billboard HOt 100 with 'Work It'
2007 - Alicia Keys
#1 on the Billboard Hot 100 with 'No One'
2013 - Eminem
The Monster is #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, featuring Rihanna
2017 - Ed Sheeran
#1 on the Billboard Hot 100 with 'Perfect'