As a wedding DJ, I have both played my fair share of line-dance songs over the past 2 decades, and also witnessed my fair share of line-dances in action through the years.

First wedding dance with fireworks of wedding couple. Photo with blur and noise

I have learned that Mainers love to line dance. But there are definitely some who are more confident in their abilities to take the lead during a line dance than others.

(Personally, I can't even tell my left from my right half the time, so I am not one of those line dance leaders. There's a reason why I DJ and don't dance.)

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That's why, when the Bangor Parks & Recreation Department sent out a recent newsletter stating that one of the programs they had available for adults was line dancing, it caught my attention.

People make dance in the dance school

According to the Bangor Parks & Recreation website, throughout the month of March, there are two different options for classes: Beginner or advanced.

"High Beginner hour 9-10: This class is designed for folks who have done some line dancing in the past and/or are familiar with basic dance steps: grapevine, jazz box, K step, shuffle, rocking chair, V step, etc and are comfortable on the dance floor. Dances taught in class use those basic dance steps plus more.

Thursdays, 10:00 - 11:30 am
This class is for experienced dancers who are comfortable with higher-level and faster-paced dances."

All classes are taught by Instructor Cheryl Hollingworth. It costs $5 a class for the regular line-dancing class and $3 for the advanced. It's recommended that if you do want to take part in the class, you come dressed in comfortable closes and shoes (but no sandals, flip-flops, sneakers, clogs, or heels.)

Some of the other programs for adults that the Bangor Rec is offering:

Baseball ball close-up on a white background.

Adult Softball League. Click here for details.

Tennis racket lying on a tennis ball near the net and court line

Tennis in the Park. Click here for details.

Monkey Business Images
Monkey Business Images

The Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race. Click here for details.


They also have some discounted Sugarloaf tickets but you need to register for those (here) today.

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