These Winter Storms Could Bury Maine, New Hampshire, & Massachusetts This Winter
Even though we have been blessed by a mild fall, so far, we all know that winter weather is on the way.
Before too long, we'll all be wearing winter coats and shoveling our way to work each morning.
While most of the snow we get each year comes from smaller storms, we always get smacked by at least a few massive storms. These days, the storms aren't just refered to as what they are and when they hit (the Blizzard of '78, for example), the really big storms have names.
When Did We Start Naming Winter Storms?
Even though we have been naming hurricanes for decades, the practice of naming winter storms is a fairly recent one.
According to an article on the Family Handyman website, the practice of naming hurricanes started in the 1950s. The responsibility of naming hurricanes falls on the National Weather Service.
In 2012, the Weather Channel started the practice of naming winter storms.
As with hurricanes, a number of names are selected before the beginning of each season. A mix of male and female names, there is a name for each letter of the alphabet. However, most of us hope that we won't have to deal with 26 winter storms in the during the winter of 2024/2025.
What Names Have Been Selected for the Winter of 2024/2025?
As in years past, 26 names have been selected. This year, the first storm will be named Anya. And, if we end up needing it, the 26th storm of the winter will be named Zahir.
2024 Winter Storm Names
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