A new study might bring the age old question to an end.

What do video games do to kids? Absolutely NOTHING! Nothing negative at least. A decade-long British study of over 11,000 kids found no mood or behavioral problems later in life.

The study observed children as young as five years old, looking at how video games affected children's psychosocial development. It was the first study to separate TV and video game experiences.

In a weird twist, children five to seven years-old who watch more than three hours of TV a day, did show a slight increase in behavioral problems. It's important to note that most children in the study didn't spend as much time playing video games as they did watching TV.

If anything this study showed more positives to video games than negatives. Video games have shown to help dyslexic children read better, increase spacial orientation and memory formation.

There you have it! Miley Cyrus twerking on TV is rotting your offspring's brain worse than the Xbox.

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