Hop in the wayback machine with me and let's party like it's 1999!

YouTube is my favorite. Type in just about anything and something will turn up, which is especially fun when it comes to taking a trip back in time.

I came across an entire 6pm newscast from ABC 7 in Bangor that dates back to April of 1999, which seems like it was about a million years ago doesn't it?

The news anchors were Carrie Blake and John Potter. I guy I remember meeting a few times, Rob Nucatola was the weather guy and he just happens to be doing his forecast from the Anah Temple Shrine Circus at the old Bangor Auditorium! Rich Chrampanis handled sports on this particular newscast.

Not only do you get the news from that day, but local commercials and a program schedule for that night that includes "Home Improvement" and "Boy Meets World"

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