Like any sitcom intro worth its salt, the theme songs spanning the Boy Meets World seasons were catchy, memorable bursts of joy. The brief tunes were meant to settle into the deep corners of your brain, creating a psychological response between hearing those first notes and your excitement over spending the next 30 minutes with Cory and Topanga. This week, the internet gifted us with a fresh a Capella take on the beloved "TGIF" staple. Prepare to drown in nostalgia.

YouTubers The Warp Zone, responsible for previous instrument-free versions of the themes from Mortal Kombat and Pokemon, are back with their take on the various BMW season's themes. The vocal group lay down some killer harmonies on the latter seasons' iconic (and let's all admit it, superior) intro, and you might find yourself singing along with your eyes closed, just wanderin' down this (metaphorical) road that we call "life." They take on the earlier seasons' melodies with equal aplomb, nailing the surf-rock sounds of Season 4. By the end of the clip you may find yourself wanting to get lost in hours of binge-watching, emerging at the end of the long weekend with Mr. Feeny's wise-yet-mildly-irritated voice ringing in your head.

Conversely, if you're an adult who's not too proud to watch a Disney show made for children, you can follow the adventures of Cory and Topanga's daughter Riley Matthews on Girl Meets World. Several Boy cast members have appeared on Girl, including Rider Strong and Will Friedle (that's Shawn Hunter and Eric Matthews, as you Boy Meets World scholars know).

You can relive your childhood by watching the clip above.

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