Imagine discussing political differences without judgment? It's happening in Maine!

There is such a political divide in the country, including right here in Maine, that a cool idea to try to change our attitudes and bickering is popping up at various locations throughout the state. The whole idea was started by Craig Freshley.

A "Make Shift Coffee House" is where people with differing political views can meet and learn from each other. There’s coffee and food and live music. Guided by a neutral moderator, all voices and views are heard and respected.

The purpose is not to persuade each other, It's about asking questions and listening to what’s important to the “other side.”

Upcoming Make Shift Coffee Houses will take place in Portland, On April 3rd, and at Bowdoin College, on April 4th. Previous events have been held in Belfast, Kittery, and the University of Maine.

Fore more information on Make Shift Coffee Houses, check out

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