A Z Morning Show listener has asked me to share this event with you that benefits the family of a local fallen soldier who selflessly gave his life.

Via Dodge Family Benefit Facebook Page

There will be a benefit motorcycle ride on Sunday Sept 20th for the Dodge Family- the young soldier, Corey Dodge, from Dexter, whot was killed in Afghanistan last week. He leaves behind a wife and 4 children.

Everyone will meet up in the parking lot of the Union Street Hannaford in Bangor. Registration at 9, kickstands up at 10. cost is $25 per bike/driver and $15 for an additional passenger. Price includes ticket for chicken BBQ after the ride. There will be raffle tickets sold when you register, with plenty of donated items to be raffled throughout the ride, which comes to an end at the Ridgeview School in Dexter where the family will meet all participants

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